As part of their participation in the campaign ‘Lights for winter’ the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc
and its Ukrainian partner, the town of Ovroutch, met for the first time through a video conference
last Friday.

A town of 15,000 people near the Belarusian frontier, the municipality of Ovroutch organized its
defense against Russia’s offensive in the earliest weeks of the invasion. Recalling this period of
resistance followed by the on-going war and reconstruction efforts, the Mayor of Ovroutch
thanked France and the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc for their support in these difficult times.

Speaking for the French, Thibaut Guignard, the Mayor of Plœuc-l’Hermitage, expressed in the
name of the Urban Area the solidarity of the citizens of Saint-Brieuc with the people of Ukraine
and their wish to build concrete cooperation with their partner in the near future.

Among the next steps discussed were visits by both sides which could take place in the next few
weeks. This meeting is held after Ovroutch has received over the winter several generators
financed by the municipality of Saint Brieuc, enabling the town to partially mitigate power cuts
resulting from strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure.