Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have been deported to Russia, including 11,129 children whose names have been confirmed. The true numbers are likely much higher.

From the start of its aggression, Russia has inflicted devastating harm on the youngest. According to UNICEF, over 1,000 children had been killed or injured by the end of August, a figure that is also likely underestimated.

As part of its genocidal agenda, Russia has abducted and continues to abduct large numbers of Ukrainian children, forcing them to be adopted by Russian families. What Russia refers to as “Russification” is, in fact, a crime—an act of genocide. For reference, the forced transfer of children from one group to another constitutes genocide as defined by the United Nations in 1948.

Of the 11,129 abducted and deported children, only 103 have been returned to their families through Ukrainian efforts. A total of 282 children have completely disappeared. The platform Children of War allows real-time tracking of the situation.

The European Parliament has recognized, on behalf of the people of Europe, Russia’s violation of fundamental international and human rights laws through these heinous acts. Last night, President Zelensky called on all countries and peoples of the world to do everything in their power to secure the return of the deported children and save them. Let us not forget them.