Ukraine has been attacked by Putin. There is war in Europe. We, Ukrainians, French, Europeans and citizens of the world, denounce the aggression suffered by Ukraine at the hands of Russia since 2014 and this attack on an unprecedented scale.

This invasion is a serious threat to the security of Europe.

We state our full solidarity with a sovereign and independent Ukraine. The Ukrainians are resisting with a bravery that forces admiration. At the cost of their lives they are defending their European choice of freedom, democracy and peace. Today, more than ever, they need a Europe which shows strength and solidarity. It is our freedoms and values that are at stake.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Berlin, Prague, Amsterdam. A wave of solidarity sweeping over the entire continent: the Ukrainian resistance to Russia’s invasion is stiring Europe from its lethargy. We all feel that our common future is being decided in this war. Let’s be hundreds of thousands on Saturday March 5, from 3pm in Paris, Place de la République, and throughout France.

The following organizations call for a rally:

Stand With Ukraine, Comité représentatif de la Communauté ukrainienne en France, Aide Médicale & Caritative France-Ukraine, Union des Ukrainiens de France, Association des Etudiants Ukrainiens en France, SOS Racisme, Parti Socialiste, La République en Marche, Emmaüs Solidarité, Les Républicains, Parti Radical, Europe Ecologie les Verts, UDI, Modem, Horizons, Sgen-Cfdt, Urgence Darfour, CFDT, UNSA, UNSA Education, la FIDL, Unef, Place Publique, Nouveaux Démocrates, Centre Simon Wiesenthal, FSJU, UEJF, Agir La droite constructive, CGT, Parti Radical de Gauche, France Fraternités, Territoires de progrès, Russie-Libertés, Ibuka, La Fage