Voices of Ukrainian women refugees in France – Natalia

Forced to flee their country and separated from their husbands, these Ukrainian women have found work in France and integrated. This is the story of Natalia Isupova, English teacher living in L’Étang-la-Ville. We wanted to share her story and those of other Ukrainian refugees who wished to thank the French and who are eager to return to their country as soon as the Russian aggression is ended by Ukraine’s victory.

Natalia Isupova is a refugee in France with her daughters, and is working in her host community. The other interviews conducted by Stand with Ukraine can be accessed at the In the news section of the website, as well as the association’s Instagram page.

Women of steel – Kateryna

This is the testimony of Kateryna, a young women from Mykolaïv whose father was taken prisoner in Marioupol early in the war. She learned he was alive throug...

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Women of steel – Nelia

We met the women of the association Women of Steel, women, mothers and daughters of Ukrainian soldiers taken prisoner. They told us their stories. This is Ne...

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