Our actions

Video conference between the municipality of Sarcelles and the Ukrainian town of Itchnia

With the campaign ‘Lights for winter’ bringing together in recent months the towns of Sarcelles (France) and Ichnia (Ukraine) to send generators to Ukraine, the two towns were able to meet recently through a video-conference organized by Stand with Ukraine.The Mayor of Ichnia Mrs Olena Buturlym, accompanied by representatives of the local economy, described the small rural town of 10,000 people in the region of Chernihiv. Mrs Buturlym spoke of the impact of the war with the transit of Russian columns at the start of the invasion, and evoked major projects in progress today to ensure the functioning of the municipality. Mr Patrick Haddad, Mayor of Sarcelles, then presented his municipality and the commitment of its inhabitants to supporting Ukraine.After a first cooperation with the...

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Virtual meeting between the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc Armor and the Ukrainian town of Ovruch

As part of their participation in the campaign ‘Lights for winter’ the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc and its Ukrainian partner, the town of Ovroutch, met for the first time through a video conference last Friday.A town of 15,000 people near the Belarusian frontier, the municipality of Ovroutch organized its defense against Russia’s offensive in the earliest weeks of the invasion. Recalling this period of resistance followed by the on-going war and reconstruction efforts, the Mayor of Ovroutch thanked France and the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc for their support in these difficult times.Speaking for the French, Thibaut Guignard, the Mayor of Plœuc-l’Hermitage, expressed in the name of the Urban Area the solidarity of the citizens of Saint-Brieuc with the people of Ukraine and their wish ...

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Visit to Kalynivka

We visited Kalynivka, a small Ukrainian town two hours by train south-west of Kyiv. The local hospital, the pride of its inhabitants, is going to receive two generators financed by the French municipality of Sainte-Menehould. We’ve come to meet the Mayor, who gives us a warm welcome in his office.On February 24, Kalynivka was 250km from the nearest Russian troops. None the less, this is where the first missiles struck Ukraine, targetting the town’s garrison, killing 2 people and injuring 28 civilians. Despite its distance from the fighting, Kalynivka has felt the full impact of the war, and acknowledges a debt to ‘its’ brigade who left for the front – the Mayor shows us photos of vehicles, food and warm clothing sent by the population to their soldiers. This town of 18,000 people alrea...

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