Our actions

Departure of a humanitarian aid truck from the Ukrainian Olympic House

A deeply symbolic moment unfolded yesterday afternoon at the Parc des Nations in La Villette. Amid the celebration of athletic achievements during the Olympic Games, the 211th humanitarian aid truck, nicknamed "The Truck of Brotherhood," set off for Ukraine from the Ukrainian House 'Volia Space.'Organized by Stand With Ukraine and the SAFE association, with the support of the Ukrainian Embassy in France, this departure not only highlights the ongoing humanitarian commitment but also the resilience of a nation at war. The truck, loaded with medical supplies and an emergency vehicle, is headed to Uzhhorod, a city near the Slovakian border. The shipment will be received by the Transcarpathian Medical Aid Committee (CamZ) before being distributed across Ukraine to meet the most urgent need...

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Twinning Between Semenivka and Sailly-lez-Lannoy: Operation 100 Bicycles for Semenivka

A new twinning partnership has been established between the town of Semenivka, located in the Zhytomyr Oblast of Ukraine, and Sailly-lez-Lannoy, a French commune in the Nord department of the Hauts-de-France region. Formalized in 2024, this partnership has been strengthened through concrete actions that reflect the commitment of both towns to develop lasting ties based on solidarity and cooperation.One of the first concrete initiatives of this twinning partnership was the "100 Bicycles for Semenivka" operation, aimed at helping Ukrainian children in Semenivka return to school. In response to the transportation challenges caused by the war, this solidarity campaign focused on collecting bicycles for children and teenagers—bikes in good working condition that had be...

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Opening Ceremony of the Ukrainian House ‘Volia Space’

The day after the Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony, an exceptional gathering space officially opened its doors:The Ukrainian House, named ‘Volia Space’Located at Le Trabendo in Parc de la Villette, this house is the result of close collaboration between France and Ukraine and stands as a powerful symbol of solidarity and friendship.The venue was packed for the opening of ‘Volia Space’. Among the distinguished guests, Matvii Bidnyi, Ukraine’s Minister of Sports and Youth, described the space as Ukraine’s headquarters in Paris during the Olympic Games. He explained that ‘Volia Space’ is not only a place for visitors from around the world to discover Ukrainian culture and athletic achievements but also a platform to raise awareness about the daily realities ...

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