Our actions

La Cantine de Marioupol: Stand With Ukraine’s project comes to life!

We are immensely proud to see La Cantine de Marioupol come to life, thanks to the commitment of the Stand With Ukraine teams and our partners. This project is much more than an act of solidarity, it's an opportunity for reconstruction and reintegration for displaced Ukrainian families, and a symbol of hope for the country's future.From the outset of this ambitious project, we have worked hand in hand with theUkrainian Embassy in France and Cuisine Mode d'emploi(s). This project would never have seen the light of day without the invaluable help of Pierre Heilbronn, special representative of the President of the Republic for the reconstruction of Ukraine, the team at Business France Ukraine, led by Romain Desthieux, and the diplomats at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affa...

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Ukrainians chefs are learning to cook at Thierry Marx’s school for ‘La Cantine de Marioupol’ / Ouest France

Twelve Ukrainians, aged between 18 and 43, are currently undergoing training at Thierry Marx's Cuisine Mode d'Emploi(s) school in Toulouse, with a clear objective: to rebuild their future and themselves.Among them are Denys, a former soldier captured and tortured by the Russians, and Tetiana, a mother evacuated from Marioupol with her daughter, who has already opened two cafés in Ukraine. These apprentices, whose backgrounds have been scarred by the war, are now training as cooks and bakers to help rebuild their communities.This initiative, supported by the NGO Stand With Ukraine, is part of a wider project: the opening of a restaurant in Dnipro, ‘La Cantine de Marioupol ’, at the heart of a centre for temporarily displaced Ukrainians.Read the full article in Ouest...

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12 Ukrainians learn French cuisine at Thierry Marx’s school in Toulouse / France Bleu

As part of the Stand With Ukraine project, 12 Ukrainian trainees have begun their culinary training in Toulouse with the team of Michelin-starred chef Thierry Marx.The apprentices will be familiarizing themselves with the emblematic techniques of French cuisine. For many of them, this training represents a unique opportunity to rebuild their professional future after being directly affected by the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.In a few weeks' time, they will return to Ukraine, and some of them will join La Cantine de Marioupol, in Dnipro, a project supported by Stand With Ukraine. This centre will provide temporary accommodation for displaced Ukrainians from Marioupol, offering them both meals and a place to comfort themselves, helping them to rebuild social links and suppor...

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