For several months Vladimir Putin’s regime has been carrying out attacks targeting the Ukrainian electrical grid and municipal heating systems. In other words, Russia wants Ukraine to freeze this winter. 

During its retreat from Kherson, the Russian army took pains to destroy the city’s entire electrical system as well as the hot water distribution network. In addition, Russian strikes have damaged the windows of countless buildings in cities all over Ukraine. 

With winter temperatures that can remain negative for many weeks, millions of Ukrainians – in particular families with young children and the elderly – are in a situation of extreme vulnerability.

Stand With Ukraine was created in France, working with the Ukrainian authorities, to support the people of Ukraine in their fight for survival. 

To enable them to have heating during the winter Stand With Ukraine is launching, with French municipalities, AMF (the Association of French Mayors), the local NGO Ants and the support of the international parliamentary network of support for Ukraine United For Ukraine (U4U), a campaign to send electrical generators that will at least make it possible to heat essential public buildings: hospitals, schools, maternity units, housing, town halls and to assist the most fragile. 

In partnership with the Ukrainian authorities, in particular the Ukrainian Embassy in France, we are coordinating this action ‘Lights for Winter’:

  • Accompanying the buying of a generator by French municipalities for an identified Ukrainian municipality.
  • The logistics and installation of equipment: routing to Ukraine, including customs and deployment of the generator in the beneficiary municipality.
  • An exchange of letters, videos and a conference call with the elected representatives of the assisted municipality is also proposed, as well as a visit to the assisted municipalities for the mayors who wish this.

Besides a very concrete gesture of solidarity, this project has a human dimension and provides fundamental moral support for Ukrainians. It is a unique opportunity for willing municipalities to establish strong links with the Ukrainian municipalities that have been helped, and exchange with their political leaders and citizens. Stand with Ukraine is convinced that these links forged during the war will be decisive when it comes to reconstruction. Local partnerships will be key for small and medium-sized French companies to participate and stand out in the face of what is shaping up to be one of the biggest projects of this century.