Stand with Ukraine has been organizing support for Ukraine in France since the first days of the invasion. Your donations are essential to continuing this effort: showing the solidarity of France with Ukraine in the street and the media, promoting Ukrainian culture, giving voice to Ukrainian refugees in our country. Your donations contribute to creating links between French and Ukrainian civil society, with the purchase and delivery of generators that strengthen the resilience of the civilian population living through the war.
Your donation to Stand with Ukraine is eligible for deduction from income tax in conformity with articles 200 and 238 bis of the French General Tax Code.
Stand with Ukraine is committed day after day to support Ukraine in France. New events are constantly organized, in the form of rallies, conferences, and cultural projects. Our association is also regularly mobilized on social networks and with political leaders to promote the cause of Ukraine, its history, and fight against disinformation. Follow all the activities and works of Stand with Ukraine by subscribing to the association’s newsletter!