Our actions

Women in war

Women in war

Stand With Ukraine is organizing on February 20 with the Paris City Hall an evening celebrating the role of Ukrainian women in the war. In Ukraine or as refugees abroad, Ukrainian women are changing the perception of their role in Ukrainian society by enlisting in the army, playing an active role as volunteers or integrating communities in other countries. Will war and reconstruction be the ...

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Launch of the campaign “Light for winter”

Launch of the campaign “Light for winter”

For several months Vladimir Putin’s regime has been carrying out attacks targeting the Ukrainian electrical grid and municipal heating systems. In other words, Russia wants Ukraine to freeze this winter.  During its retreat from Kherson, the Russian army took pains to destroy the city’s entire electrical system as well as the hot water distribution network. In addition, Russian strikes have ...

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The voice of Ukrainian women refugees in France

The voice of Ukrainian women refugees in France

Stand with Ukraine met five Ukrainian women: Olha, Alisa, Natalia, Iryna, and Oksana, refugees in France since the start of the invasion. Forced to flee their country and separated from their husbands, these Ukrainian women managed to find work in France and integrate themselves. Stand with Ukraine wants to share the story of these Ukrainian refugees who would like to thank the French and who a...

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Legislative elections: chart of support for Ukraine

Legislative elections: chart of support for Ukraine

Within the framework of the legislative elections, we are sending for signature a Chart of support for Ukraine to all parliamentary candidates and leaders of political parties. Through this Chart, Stand with Ukraine invites candidates to clearly express their position concerning support for the Ukrainian people based on 7 key points. By their signature candidates commit: To act against ...

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Rally in support of Ukrainian resistance

Rally in support of Ukrainian resistance

Ukraine is resisting with resilience and determination, but it is bloodied by the Russian forces. A horrible war is still in progress in Europe. The stream of images and witness accounts which reach us from Bucha, Irpin, Motyzhyn, Mila, Borodyanka, Marioupol, Kramatorsk and other towns, are unbearable. The Ukrainian resistance, driving back Russian troops around Kyiv, revealed the extent of ...

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Mural in Paris in support of the Ukrainian people

Mural in Paris in support of the Ukrainian people

‘Long live the Ukrainian resistance’ – proclaims the mural near the Centre Pompidou created by the Ukrainian artist Nikita Kravtsov in tribute to the bravery of Ukraine’s defenders. Marianne holding a Ukrainian flag triumphs over Russian imperialism, symbolizing the final deposition of this regime by the Ukrainian people. The association Stand With Ukraine is proud to have defended this project...

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Rally in support of Ukraine!

Rally in support of Ukraine!

Ukraine has been attacked by Putin. There is war in Europe. We, Ukrainians, French, Europeans and citizens of the world, denounce the aggression suffered by Ukraine at the hands of Russia since 2014 and this attack on an unprecedented scale. This invasion is a serious threat to the security of Europe. We state our full solidarity with a sovereign and independent Ukraine. The Ukrainians ar...

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Europe station in Paris renamed Europe – Ukraine

Europe station in Paris renamed Europe – Ukraine

The artists’ collective, part of the movement ‘Stand With Ukraine’, is renaming the ‘Europe’ station (line 3 of the Paris metro) ‘Europe-Ukraine’ in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Since 2014, Ukraine has accomplished enormous democratic, economic and social progress to integrate the European Union. Over the last six days the Ukrainian people have been suffering terribly. Today, Ukrain...

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