Our actions

La Cantine de Marioupol : le projet de Stand With Ukraine prend vie !

La Cantine de Marioupol : le projet de Stand With Ukraine prend vie !

La Cantine de Marioupol : le projet de Stand With Ukraine prend vie ! Nous sommes immensément fiers de voir La Cantine de Marioupol se concrétiser grâce à l'engagement des équipes de Stand With Ukraine et de nos partenaires. Ce projet est bien plus qu'un acte de solidarité, c'est une opportunité de reconstruction et de réinsertion pour les familles ukrainiennes déplacées, et un symbole...

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French Vacation in Sainte-Menehould for the Children of Kalynyvka.

French Vacation in Sainte-Menehould for the Children of Kalynyvka.

One of the great examples of cooperation between French and Ukrainian cities, that was successfully initiated this summer under the auspices of the Stand With Ukraine, was the interaction between the French city of Saint-Menehould in the province of Champagne and the Ukrainian city of Kalynivka in Vinnytsia region. In August, the city of Saint-Menehould has organised exciting holidays for Uk...

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Visit to Ovroutch with the Vice-President of the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc

Visit to Ovroutch with the Vice-President of the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc

Last Monday, the association Stand with Ukraine travelled to Ovroutch, a small Ukrainian town close to the Belarusian frontier, accompanied by Mr Thibaut Guignard, Mayor of the municipality of Ploeuc l’Hermitage and Vice-President of the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc. This visit came a week after a journey by the Vice-Mayor of Ovroutch accompanied by other Ukrainian Mayors to Saint-Brieuc. ...

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Visit of a delegation of Ukrainian mayors to France

Visit of a delegation of Ukrainian mayors to France

Stand with Ukraine welcomes the visit to France from 27 to 29 March of a delegation of four Ukrainian mayors, organised with the Ukrainian NGO ANTS with the aim of developing Franco-Ukrainian cooperation at local level. This visit is one of the concrete outcomes of the "Lights for Winter" campaign led by the association since last November to strengthen links between French and Ukrainian local ...

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Video conference between the municipality of Sarcelles and the Ukrainian town of Itchnia

Video conference between the municipality of Sarcelles and the Ukrainian town of Itchnia

With the campaign ‘Lights for winter’ bringing together in recent months the towns of Sarcelles (France) and Ichnia (Ukraine) to send generators to Ukraine, the two towns were able to meet recently through a video-conference organized by Stand with Ukraine. The Mayor of Ichnia Mrs Olena Buturlym, accompanied by representatives of the local economy, described the small rural town of 10,000 ...

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Virtual meeting between the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc Armor and the Ukrainian town of Ovroutch

Virtual meeting between the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc Armor and the Ukrainian town of Ovroutch

As part of their participation in the campaign ‘Lights for winter’ the Urban Area of Saint-Brieuc and its Ukrainian partner, the town of Ovroutch, met for the first time through a video conference last Friday. A town of 15,000 people near the Belarusian frontier, the municipality of Ovroutch organized its defense against Russia’s offensive in the earliest weeks of the invasion. Recalling ...

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Visit to Kalynivka

Visit to Kalynivka

We visit Kalynivka, a small Ukrainian town two hours by train south-west of Kyiv. The local hospital, the pride of its inhabitants, is going to receive two generators financed by the French municipality of Sainte- Menehould. We’ve come to meet the Mayor, who gives us a warm welcome in his office. On February 24, Kalynivka was 250km from the nearest Russian troops. None the less, this is wh...

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Large Rally in support of Ukrainian Resistance

Large Rally in support of Ukrainian Resistance

One year. On February 24, 2022, Russia sent its army to attack Kyiv. On February 24, 2022, we knew that this Russian aggression signified the worst for the Ukrainian people. On February 24, 2022, Ukraine, its people and its President chose resistance and freedom. On February 24, 2022, we made a solemn commitment to be on Ukraine’s side in its fight for the right to exist. For an ...

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A year of resistance

A year of resistance

In the night of February 22, exactly one year ago, French and Ukrainians came together to protest against this invasion, that few wanted to happen but which seemed inevitable thanks to the threatening will of a single man. One year ago, we gathered anxious, incredulous, facing the relentless course of events that, hour after hour, were to lead to the subjugation of a people, the destruction of ...

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The war. A female gaze

The war. A female gaze

The exhibition ‘The war. A female gaze’ is presented from February 24 at the Paris City Hall by the association Stand With Ukraine as a tribute to the role of Ukrainian women in the war launched against their country. The event will partner with the festival Odesa Photo Days, created in 2015 to promote contemporary Ukrainian photography internationally and the Franco-Ukrainian association Amuse...

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