On the night and early morning of January 2, 2024, the Russian Federation conducted another massive missile attack on Ukrainian cities targeting civilian infrastructure.

This time Kyiv and Kharkiv regions were hit the most. The Air Force of Ukraine in cooperation with the Defense Forces have repelled the biggest combined air attack with the use of hypersonic missiles in history, destroying 10 out of 10 Kh-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missiles, 59 out of 70 Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 cruise missiles, 3 out of 3 Kalibr cruise missiles and 35 drones.

In Kyiv, a number of destructions were reported, including dramatic hits to residential buildings in Solomiansky district. Some areas of the capital lacked electricity and water supply. In the morning continued shelling residential areas of Kharkiv.

More than 500 rescuers and 111 equipment units were involved to eliminate the consequences of this massive missile attack.

As for now five people were killed and 119 injured. As search and rescue operations continue, the number of victims may increase. But hundreds of lives were saved today thanks to collective efforts to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense capabilities.

Ukraine needs more means for legitimate defense and protection of its cities. We need to accelerate the supply of additional air defense systems, combat drones of all types, and long-range missiles with a range of 300+ kilometers.

The terrorist regime in Moscow must feel that the international community will not turn a blind eye to the killing of Ukrainian civilians and the destruction of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure.