
Russia’s Withdrawal from the “Grain Deal”

Russia has withdrawn from the Grain Deal, an agreement that ensured Ukraine could supply grain to the world despite ongoing Russian bombardments. This decision amounts to a threat—the potential sinking of grain ships bound for the rest of the world, particularly Africa.Ukraine has long been one of the world’s top wheat exporters, thanks to its fertile black soil in the south, some of the most productive agricultural land on the planet. However, with Putin’s invasion and the blockade of Ukrainian coasts, exports have plummeted, raising the risk of shortages and famine.By abruptly suspending its participation in the Grain Deal, Putin is blocking around 2 million tons of wheat loaded on 176 ships, enough to feed 7 million people. This withdrawal is part of Russia’s ongoing efforts ...

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Putin’s Network in France

On October 27, 2022, the French investigative program Complément d'enquête aired an in-depth report on Putin's networks in France. Stand With Ukraine thanks the journalists for their meticulous work, which exposes how certain French politicians have aligned themselves with a foreign power.The program first examined the case of François Fillon. Marginalized and humiliated by Nicolas Sarkozy, Fillon was courted by Putin as early as their 2008 meeting in Sochi. At the time, he publicly supported Russia’s intervention in Syria, which caused more civilian deaths than ISIS. Hervé Mariton, an ally of Fillon, even backed Alain Juppé during the 2016 elections due to concerns over Putin's influence on the former prime minister. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Fillon echoe...

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Russian bombing campaign targeting civilians in Ukraine

As Russia faces major military setbacks, its army, under Putin's orders, has launched a large-scale bombing campaign targeting civilian areas in Ukraine.In early October, following a series of defeats in Kherson and eastern Ukraine, Russia acquired over 2,000 Shahed-136 drones from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Alongside these efforts, Russia is reportedly seeking ballistic missiles capable of carrying much larger explosive payloads than the drones currently in use.These weapons have been deployed against civilian targets such as homes, hospitals, kindergartens, and, most critically, power plants, which are vital for providing collective heating to most Ukrainian households. Putin’s strategy appears aimed at freezing civilians this winter, a tactic that disproportionately affect...

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