Ukraine is resisting with resilience and determination, but it is bloodied by the Russian forces. A horrible war is still in progress in Europe. The stream of images and witness accounts which reach us from Bucha, Irpin, Motyzhyn, Mila, Borodyanka, Marioupol, Kramatorsk and other towns, are unbearable.

The Ukrainian resistance, driving back Russian troops around Kyiv, revealed the extent of the crimes committed by Russia’s forces. The barbarity of Russian forces towards Ukrainian civilians, including women and children, confirms their intention to destroy Ukraine.

We have had enough of the violence inflicted in Europe, by Vladimir Putin, his army and his accomplices. We have had enough of these crimes, now qualified by many as crimes against humanity, perpetrated in Europe. Everything must be done so that the aggression suffered by Ukraine is at last stopped.

We restate our total solidarity with a sovereign and independent Ukraine.

We call for massive support for Ukraine.

We call for massive support for this heroic resistance and for the memory of the victims.

We call for a rally against a murderous regime and its sycophants: all those, wherever they may be, who have supported Vladimir Putin and served as relays for his deadly propaganda.

We call for Vladimir Putin and his accomplices to be brought before an international criminal court.

Once again, let’s be many, on Saturday April 30, from 3pm in Paris, Place de la République, and throughout France.


Stand With Ukraine, Comité représentatif de la Communauté ukrainienne en France, Aide Médicale & Caritative France-Ukrainе, Union des Ukrainiens de France, Association des Etudiants Ukrainiens en France, CFDT, LDH, SOS Racisme, France Terre d’Asile, Reporters Sans Frontière, France Fraternités, Place Publique, Alliance des Femmes, Le Parti Radical de gauche, Fédération Socialiste de Paris, Le centre Simon Wiesenthal, Emmaüs Solidarité, Mémorial 98, Géorgie vue de France, Russie-Libertés, Loge Georges Gershwin du B’nai B’rith, Fédération des Acteurs de la Solidarité, Mouvement des Progressistes, La Fage, Groupe SOS, Urgence Darfour, CUPJS Paris3, Ibuka, NousToutes 93